shelby santin nutrition md va dc

Healing your relationship with food and your body is possible

Nutrition counseling with a weight inclusive dietitian to support your eating disorder recovery. 

shelby santin nutrition counseling md va dc

Do you feel like you spend way too much time
thinking about food and your body?

You are not alone.

Millions of people struggle with negative thoughts and feelings about food every day. But there is hope!

shelby santin nutrition md va dc

Weight inclusive nutrition counseling can help you break free of the cycle of obsessing over food and your body and work towards food freedom.

It makes it possible to no longer count every calorie or feel anxious at the thought of eating. And ultimately, simplify nutrition and think about food less. 

Nutrition counseling can also help you understand how to meet your body’s individual nutrition needs. However, part of this approach is also understanding that food is MORE than just fuel and struggling with food can make it incredibly hard to feel connected to the positive moments life has to offer.

These sessions focus on providing you with the knowledge and skills to have a more peaceful relationship with food and your body.

shelby santin nutrition md va dc

What to expect

shelby santin nutrition

Connection and compassionate care

Nutrition counseling provides you with a point of connection and a space to explore your concerns with food and body image without the fear of judgment.

shelby santin nutrition


You will have an experienced provider acting as a gentle guide to walk alongside you on the path forward to healing from an eating disorder or disordered eating.

shelby santin nutrition

Learn to eat with confidence

You will learn how to eat with more confidence and less guilt and obsession. Disengaging from diet culture will allow you to feel more present while making positive memories.

shelby santin nutrition md va dc
Hi, I’m Shelby

I am a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS), anti-diet Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and pizza enthusiast. 

I am passionate about helping you heal your relationship with food.

I understand that what leads to disordered eating patterns is complex and can be difficult to discuss. My approach is to listen to my clients’ lived experiences, allowing them to shape our work together.

My goal is to act as a guide as you reclaim your relationship with food by letting go of a restrictive diet mentality and relearning how to trust your body.

I enjoy watching my clients grow in confidence as they begin to spend less time obsessing over food and more time enjoying life.

Through our work together, I help you become more aware of your patterns around food so you can feel empowered in your decisions instead of restricted by them.

How it works


Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to talk with me before moving forward with an initial session. Share any relevant background to determine if we are a good fit to work together. I will also answer any questions you have about working with a Registered Dietitian. Alternatively, you can reach out to me via email, the contact form, or phone call.


Schedule an initial assessment via Telehealth or In-Person (1 hour). During this first session, we will discuss your background and what you are looking to gain from working with a dietitian. We will discuss what frequency of appointments is recommended.


Schedule follow-up sessions (50 minutes) in-person, virtual or a mix of both. Your progress and the frequency of sessions needed will continually be reassessed. Initially, appointments will be weekly to establish a foundation. I will work closely with doctors, therapists, or other supports the client gives permission to contact outside of session times

Reach out to me today to get started with nutrition counseling and take the first step towards food freedom.